Wednesday, May 21, 2008


F-i-n-a-l-l-y! Sorry this took so long, I'm actually on the computer less frequently than when I was in I had a little trouble figuring out how to get these on here in the right order!

Pictures automatically scroll. Options to adjust the speed of the slide-show and to pause will appear if you hover near the top. (Adjusting the speed to less than 5 seconds will make it go faster. It's about 10 minutes long.)


Anonymous said...

Hi There:

I looked at all of your pictures from the slide show. They are phenomenal!!!

Thanks for taking the time to create such a memorable piece.....

Anonymous said...

Wow, I am really impressed by your blog. It was so great to hear all of your experiences. I would like to volunteer in Africa! Thank you for sharing this experience with me.

Anonymous said...

Aisha, your photos are beautiful. I really get a feel for the beauty of Africa and its people. Thanks for sending it.

Anonymous said...

hey cousin:)its myriah. i saw the slideshow and i just wanted to tell you im so happy that you got to have that experience and im really proud of you too! i cant wait to see you so you can tell me all your stories and show me your souvenirs)i hope i spelled that right)lol. but i'll talk you later love you much!!!

Amma Aboagye said...

WOW! I especially love the pics of the water and the sunset... Its absolutely breathtaking... and to think, this is real life, not a national geographic piece!

I'm really glad you had the opportunity to go for yourself. And I am glad you felt that sense of family and community... hopefully we can restore that same sense of family and community in our black communities...(^_^)
