Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I like my fingers!

Crocodile Ranch… who knew there was such a thing? Anyway, yesterday we visited a crocodile ranch, and had an interesting time to say the least. First of all, those who know me also know that I am NOT a big fan of things that aren’t my size, i.e bugs, spiders, mice, etc. If it isn’t my size and especially if it’s not cute and furry, I want no parts of it!

So we get to the ranch and learn all about crocodiles: what they eat, how often they eat, the mating process, etc. etc. I’ve never really been a fan of the Discovery Channel or of “Discovery Channel-like” things (although Planet Earth was excellent, and I highly recommend it… the BBC version though), so I’d be lying if I said this activity was “fun” for me. I can think of a certain person though (umm, Devon:) who would have l-o-v-e-d this session, LOL!

Anyway, after learning much more than I cared to about crocs, the tour guide started taking them out of the pens so that we could hold them. I must have missed the part in the introduction where he said we were going to do that… or maybe I just wasn’t paying attention because I was kinda freaking out! I was NOT interested in holding a CROCODILE!!!! …but I couldn’t be the only one to chicken out, so after MUCH laughter and many deep breaths I held a tiny baby croc. You’ll see in the pictures though that others held ones that were much bigger…. umm, NO THANKS… I like my fingers, LOL!



Anonymous said...

there is NO WAY on Gods green earth that i would have touched that thing!! Good for you! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Ha! I went to a crocodile ranch when I was in Cuba...I did NOT hold one. I was the only one I think. =) You're better than I am!