Monday, March 24, 2008


Today there was a bat in the bathroom! Umm, a BAT!!! Thank goodness I wasn’t the one who discovered it… I think it just would have been all over for me… Another volunteer, Lindsey (she’s the one feeding the monkeys in the previous post and the one holding the bigger crocodile in the “I like my Fingers” post), was in the bathroom but then came charging out with the most terrified look on her face! Now Lindsey tends to be the braver, more curious one in the group— she picks up just about any little critter she wants to get a closer look at: frogs, beetles, moths, whatever

So when Lindsey is afraid, me and Liara almost don’t even want to know what it is… I’d actually rather not know, LOL. I walk around as if a lot of the things here just don’t exist... it’s easier that way and I think it’s the only way I’ve been able to survive! I knew there were bats here—LOTS of them actually cause I see them every night… but they don’t bother me, and I don’t bother them. This goes for most things: the bats, the chickens (although I’m not afraid of chickens, I certainly don’t want one to approach me, LOL.. they just randomly walk all around town), the goats that roam around, the GIGANTIC bugs, the mice, the oversized wasps & dragonflies, and a number of insects I’ve never even seen before coming here… there’s a little bit of EVERYthing!

Anyway, Lindsey comes charging out of the bathroom and doesn’t say a word. She tells Liara to go look in the bathroom (Liara is worse than me!) and they start screaming and making so much noise that the security guard (who sits by the front gate to the house) came running into the room. Once he saw what was causing all the commotion, he just laughed. He simply got a napkin (yeah, a little thin little napkin!) scooped up the bat and set it free outside. The staff is still laughing at us about this one… it’s ok though, we get laughed at a lot for the “little” things we are afraid of…

Umm, sorry... there will be NO pictures of the bats!!


Anonymous said...

hey hey aisha. it's myriah!!! me and raji are really missin you back here.but we're hopin you're having fun. um..your bat story is hilarious!!!i think anybody who's willing to pick up little critters like your friend linsey is really brave(braver than me anyway).but yeah i heard the bugs are massive there. but tell everybody there hello for me. love you and miss ya to you later

Anonymous said...

ha! they wouldve had to carry me outta that boy on a stretcher, cuz i think i wouldve passed out! a BAT??? yeah right! it wouldve been ALL OVER for me! Lol.

MBA Mama said...

o.k......Aisha, I would not think you would be scared of bats! You're such a tough girl. Lol! I know I would have had to go home after that!!